How to get to Grenoble?
- Please find more information on the following document (Travel, Hotels, Restaurants...): Information
HIPARK Hotel: We made a pre-reservation of 30 rooms at the HIPARK Hotel located close to Grenoble's Train Station: HIPARK Hotel, 6 rue Auguste Genin, 38000 Grenoble. Could you please confirm your pre-reservation before September 10th, 2012. Please precise that the pre-reservation has been made under the name IPAG.
- Résidences HIPARK
- Tel: +33(0)
- Fax: +33(0)
- Tramway Stop (B and A lines): Saint Bruno
- Email:
- Website:
- Google Map
Colloquium Location:
The Colloquium will be held at the Maison Jean Kunzman (MJK), 110 Avenue de la Chimie, Campus Universitaire, Saint Martin d’Hères.
To get there (it takes about 20-30 minutes from the Grenoble's train station and HiPark Hotel by tram):
- Tram line B , direction “Gieres, Plaine des sports”,
- or Tram line C, direction “Condillac, Universites”,
- In both cases stop at "Gabriel Faure" or at “Bibliotheques Universitaires”, then see maps MapOne and MapTwo.
- Complete Map of the Tram Lines: TramMap
- Google Map
Colloquium's Diner: It will be located at the Café de la Table Ronde on Monday 8th, 2012.